We are honored to announce that Clark is now part of the Ramsey ELP network of real estate professionals. The ELP (Endorsed Local Provider) program is a network of top local real estate agents that meet the standards established by Dave Ramsey and his team and are endorsed by Dave Ramsey, Chris Hogan, Rachel Cruze, and more Ramsey Personalities. Here is a quick overview from the program website:
The Endorsed Local Provider program is a nationwide referral service that finds, vets, and coaches top real estate agents in your area. That’s why you can rest easy knowing you’re working with a Ramsey-approved pro! To earn the right to be an ELP, agents must:
- Be licensed, full-time agents with at least four years of experience.
- Close 90% more homes than other agents in their market or on at least 35 homes per year.
- Follow Ramsey financial principles and participate in coaching to better serve you.
For more information, you can visit the Ramsey ELP website at: https://www.daveramsey.com/elp/
Clark and his wife Courtney have both been blessed by the Ramsey teaching and have paid off all of their personal debt, bought their dream home, and are currently in baby step 4 saving for retirement and working on paying of their home early.
Clark is currently an exclusive provider in the ELP network for many Colorado mountain towns including Buena Vista, Salida, Leadville, Fairplay, and more. Reach out today and we would love to help you on your path to financial freedom through real estate!